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Ensuring Compliance: Streamlining Peer Review and Internal Quality Checks for Funding Body Requirements and Policies

How do you facilitate peer review and internal quality review checks to ensure compliance with funding body requirements and internal policies?Is this done via email and involves lots of chasing of numerous reviewers and approvers? If so, here is how…

Are you running Oracle ERP (or Agresso/Tech One/SAP)  and finding it difficult to integrate with your Pre-Awards System?

Are you running Oracle ERP (or Agresso/Tech One/SAP)  and finding it difficult to integrate with your Pre-Awards System?

Often your Pre-Awards software vendor will convince you that their platform can “easily integrate” with your ERP or Finance & HR systems, so you have a seamless flow of data and reporting. From our own research and conversations with dozens…

Blog on Challenges faced in managing Contracts for Research Funding Awards - Grantsnow

Challenges faced in managing Contracts for Research Funding Awards 

Academic Researchers face challenges navigating the legal and contractual obligations associated with research award contracts, including complying with terms with sponsors, regulatory requirements, morality responsibilities, conflict of interest, IP & confidentiality provisions, and reporting requirements. They can be further described…